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HOLI3C geophone: an example of HVSR analysis in winMASW® and HoliSurface®
CLICK HERE for an example of HVSR analysis in winMASW®/HoliSurface® using our HOLI3C geophone: in this case we have two distinct peaks [both satisfy the SESAME criteria for a reliable peak].Please, also notice that no significant industrial component is present (see coherence functions) and always remember that the HVSR does not represent the amplification function...HOLI3C represents your ideal partner for various applications:
HoliSurface® ...
HoliSurface® ...
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Eliosoft Newsletter, February 2020: HS video and case study, new release of winMASW® ACD and HoliSurface®, field equipment, data processing...
1. A quick video introduction to data acquisition according to our patented HoliSurface® methodology:
2. HoliSurface®? what is that?HERE a small tutorial/case study about the joint analysis of Z and R components of Rayleigh waves and the HVSR.
3. Available the new release of winMASW® Academy and HoliSurface®:Update or upgrade your license to ACD-2019 and HS-2019 and enjoy our top products.Updated ...
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