Papers and insights
Manuals and case studies about winMASW®, HoliSurface® and ELIOVSP® can be downloaded from the respective pages (menu "products")
- Efficient 2D Vs profiling via surface wave multi-component passive data
Dal Moro G., Proceedings of the EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers) Near Surface Geoscience 2024 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 8-12 September 2024)
- Eigenmode identification and characterization via GF3DPM analysis
Dal Moro G., Proceedings of the EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers) Near Surface Geoscience 2024 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 8-12 September 2024)
- Determination of the Vs profile at a "noisy" industrial site via active and passive data: the critical role of Love waves and the opportunities of multi-component group velocity analysis
Dal Moro G. and Mazanec M., 2024, GEOPHYSICS, 0: 1-77.
- Lezioni di sismica. Onde di volume, di superficie, sezioni 2D e amplificazioni
Dal Moro G., 2023, Dario Flaccovio Editore, ISBN 9788857911946, 248 pp, (in Italian)
- Application of Holisurface Technique in MASW and HVSR Surveys for Site Characterisation at Ewoyaa, Ghana
Ewusi A., Miezah-Adams M., Klu A.K., Ansah E., Seidu J., 2023, 7, 2616-1486,
MASW? A critical perspective on problems and opportunities in surface-wave analysis from active and passive data (with few legal considerations)
Dal Moro G., Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 2023, 103369, ISSN 1474-7065,
- Tools for the efficient analysis of surface waves from active and passive seismic data: exploring an NE-Italy perilagoon area with significant lateral variations
Dal Moro G., Stemberk J., Earth Planets Space 74, 140 (2022).
- Cavity effect on Rayleigh wave dispersion and P-wave refraction
Rahnema H., Mirassi S. & Dal Moro G., 2021, Earthq. Eng. Eng. Vib. 20, 79–88.
- Efficient Joint Analysis of Surface Waves and Introduction to Vibration Analysis: Beyond the Clichés
Dal Moro G., 2020, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-46303-8
- On the identification of industrial components in the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) from microtremors
Dal Moro G., 2020, Pure and Applied Geophysics,
- Mapping bedrock topography of the Lower Aare valley using seismic surface waves
Keller L., Dal Moro G., Spillmann T., Deplazes G., Madritsch H., 7th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Fribourg 2019 (22-23 November 2019)
- On the efficient acquisition and holistic analysis of Rayleigh waves: Technical aspects and two comparative case studies
Dal Moro G., Al-Arifi N., Moustafa S.R., 2019, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 125 (2019) 105742,
- Acquisizione e analisi di dati sismici e vibrazionali per studi di caratterizzazione sismica e geotecnica
Dal Moro G., 2019, Dario Flaccovio Editore, ISBN 9788857908786, 280pp (in Italian)
- Effective Active and Passive Seismics for the Characterization of Urban and Remote Areas: Four Channels for Seven Objective Functions
Dal Moro G., Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2018,
Available for online reading at the following link:
- Problemi e soluzioni per la corretta definizione del profilo VS (velocità delle onde di taglio) in studi di geotecnica e microzonazione sismica
Dal Moro G., Geologia Tecnica & Ambientale, Rivista dell'Ordine Nazionale dei Geologi, ISSN 1722 - 0025, numero 1/2018, 43-60
- RPM Analysis and Advanced Joint Processing of a SED (Swiss Seismological Service) Dataset
Dal Moro G., Keller L., 2017, Proceedings of the GNGTS congress (14-16 November 2017 - Trieste, Italy), 693-696
- Analysis of Rayleigh-Wave Particle Motion from Active Seismics
Dal Moro G., Al-Arifi N., Moustafa S.R., 2017, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA), 107, 51-62
- Shear-wave velocity profiling according to three alternative approaches: a comparative case study
Dal Moro G., Keller L., Al-Arifi N., Moustafa S.R., 2016, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 134, 112–124
- Four geophones for seven possible objective functions: active and passive seismics for tricky areas
Dal Moro G., Invited presentation and Extended Abstract for the Urban Geophysics workshop of the 22nd EAGE Near Surface Geoscience conference (4-8 September 2016 - Barcelona, Spain)
- Less is more: from van der Rohe to the 4-channel system for the efficient and holistic analysis of surface waves. A urban case studyDal Moro G., Moustafa S.R., Al-Arifi, Proceedings of the GNGTS ( congress (17-19 November 2015 - Trieste, Italy)
- Determinazione del profilo verticale della velocità delle onde di taglio per la caratterizzazione sismica di sito: analisi multi-componente per una corretta e completa interpretazione dei dati e ricostruzione del profilo VS
Dal Moro G., Alessandrini A., Bassano F., Basso Fin M., GEOLOGI MARCHE (Rivista dell'Ordine dei Geologi delle Marche), Maggio-Agosto 2015, 55, 3-11
- Efficient acquisition and holistic analysis of Rayleigh waves
Dal Moro G., Moustafa S.R., Al-Arifi, Proceedings of the Near-Surface EAGE 2015 congress (Turin - Italy) [having received a very high score from the reviewers, the work was invited to be published in one of the EAGE journals]
- Optimizing the exploration of vast areas via multi-component surface-wave analysis
Dal Moro G. and Keller L., EAGE 2015, June 1-5 2015 (Madrid - Spain), Extended Abstract
- Oberflächengebundene Bestimmung eines robusten Vs-Modells als Eingangsparameter zu bodendynamischen Berechnungen an einer historischen Klosterkirche [Surface-wave analysis for the determination of a robust VS model for soil dynamics analysis at a historic monastery church]
Keller L., Dal Moro G., Lacave C., 2015. Proceedings 75th Annual Meeting of the DGG (Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft - German Geophysical Society), Hannover March 23-26, 2015
- Seismic response analysis of NAGRA-Net stations using advanced geophysical techniques
Poggi V., Edwards B., Dal Moro G., Keller L., Fäh D., 2015, Extended Abstract for EGU 2015, Vienna, 12-17 April 2015
- Unambiguous determination of the VS profile via joint analysis of multi-component active and passive seismic data
Dal Moro G., Keller L., 2013, Proceedings of the 19th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Bochum, Germany, 9-11 September 2013 [having received a very high score from the reviewers, the work was invited to be published in the EAGE journals and was eventually accepted for publication in First Break]
Here available the related Power Point presentation
- Joint Analysis of Lunar Surface Waves: the Apollo 16 dataset
Dal Moro G., 2013, Proceedings of the 19th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Bochum, Germany, 9-11 September 2013 [having received a very high score from the reviewers, the work was invited to be published as full paper in Geophysical Prospecting - but was eventually submitted and published in ICARUS (the Elsevier journal of Planetary Sciences)]
- Joint Analysis of Surface Waves
Dal Moro G., Graz (Austria), 9-13 July 2012, Mini-Symposium Surface and Interface Acoustic Waves in Solids, 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, invited speaker
- Alcune problematicità nell’analisi delle onde di superficie e del rapporto spettrale H/V
Dal Moro G. and Pipan M., 2012, Rivista Italiana di Geotecnica, 2/2012, 68-81
- Insights on Surface-Wave Dispersion Curves and HVSR: Joint Analysis via Pareto Optimality
Dal Moro G., 2010, J. Appl. Geophysics, 72, 29-140
- VS and VP Vertical Profiling via Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Waves and Refraction Travel Times by means of Bi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm
Dal Moro G., 2008, J. Appl. Geophysics, 66, 15-24
- Haze Removal and Data Calibration for High-Resolution Satellite Data
Dal Moro G., Halounova L., 2007, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28, 2187-2205
- Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Curve Inversion via Genetic Algorithms and Posterior Probability Density Evaluation
Dal Moro G., Pipan M., Gabrielli P., 2007, J. Appl. Geophysics, 61, 39-55
- Harmonic Noise Attenuation for Vibroseis Data
Dal Moro G., Scholtz P., Iranpour K., 2007, GNGTS, Rome (Italy), 13-15 November 2007
- Velocity Spectra and Seismic Signal Identification for Surface Wave Analysis
Dal Moro G., Forte E., Pipan M., Sugan M., 2006, Near Surface Geophysics, 4, 243-251
- Shear-Wave Profiling via SH Reflection Analysis and Rayleigh Wave Inversion
Dal Moro G., Pipan M., Forte E., Gabrielli P., Sugan M., Forlin E. and Finetti I., 2005, Proceedings SEG 2005, 75th Annual Meeting, Huston, Texas, November 2005
- Multi-fold, multi-component and multi-azimuth GPR for subsurface imaging and material characterisation
Pipan M., Forte M., Dal Moro G., Sugan M., Finetti I. , 2004, in Ground-Penetrating Radar, 2nd Edition (David J. Daniels Editor) ISBN: 0863413609, Peter Peregrinus Ltd UK , 310-322
- Multifold Ground-Penetrating Radar and Resistivity to Study the Stratigraphy of Shallow Unconsolidated Sediments
Pipan, M., Forte, E., Dal Moro, G., Sugan, M. and Finetti, I., 2003, The Leading Edge, 22, 876-881
- Multi-Frequency and Multi-Azimuth Polarimetric GPR for Buried Utilities Detection
Marsiglio L., Pipan M., Forte E., Dal Moro G., Finetti I., Proceedings EAGE 2003 (Stavanger, Norway)
- Time-lapse Tomography
Vesnaver A., Accaino F., Böhm G., Madrussani G., Pajchel J., Rossi G., Dal Moro G., 2003, Geophysics, 68, 815-823
- A 3D Seismic Survey for Groundwater Protection
Rossi G., Dal Moro G., Mammo T., Nieto D., Picotti S., Vesnaver A., Vuan A., 2001, Proceedings SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists), 71st Annual Int. Mtg. (Texas, Sept 2001), 1333-1336
- 4D Tomography at the North Sea
Vesnaver A., Dal Moro G., Madrussani G., Pajchel J., Rossi G., 2001, Proceedings 63rd Mtg. EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers) (Amsterdam, June 2001)
- Remarkable Tilt-Strain Anomalies Preceding Two Seismic Events in Friuli (NE Italy): Their Interpretation as Precursors
Dal Moro G., Zadro M., 1999, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 170, 119-129
- Subsurface Deformations Induced by Rainfall and Atmospheric Pressure: Tilt/Strain Measurements in the NE-Italy Seismic Area
Dal Moro G., Zadro M., 1998, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 164, 193-203
- Geometry and Mechanical Crustal Properties in NE Italy Based on Seismic and Gravity Data
Dal Moro G., Braitenberg C., Zadro M., 1998, Bollettino Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 39, 37-46