

"Less is more"
Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe


What is HoliSurface®?

HoliSurface® is a new software application for seismic exploration via joint analysis of active and passive data obtained through acquisition procedures extremely simple and efficient fundamentally based on the smart exploitation of all the data that can be obtained through a mindful use of a single 3-component geophone (and little more).
The software HoliSurface® employs an innovative methodology  - patent granted on 01.04.2015 - and has been created to fully exploit everything you can do with just one 3-component geophone: Rayleigh and Love waves Group velocities analysis (radial and vertical component) according to FVS (Full Velocity Spectrum) approach, HVSR analysis, MAAM (Miniature Array Analysis of Microtremors) analysis, Vs profile reconstruction, vibration measurements.
The word HoliSurface® (briefly HS) is composed by Holistic and Surface and means that the purpose of the method/software is to analyze the propagation of surface waves in a complete way, namely holistic (from Greek ὅλος, "totality").
Acquiring a dataset useful for HoliSurface® analysis is not much different than traditional acquisitions of active seismic aimed, for example, at performing MASW or refraction analysis (the zero time is set by the trigger). The substantial difference is that, to perform HoliSurface® analysis, you have to use only a single 3-component geophone (3C - also said 3D because it is a geophone with three sensors oriented in three spatial orthogonal directions) whose orientation is fundamental. The key point is that the second trace of the output file must represent the radial component (namely the direction that is the axis combining/joining the source and the geophone). To correctly perform HoliSurface® analysis will be, therefore, necessary to set the NS of the 3-component geophone radial respect to the source.


 Video introduction to the standard data acquisition according to our patented HoliSurface® methodology

A further possible (estremely efficient) way to record the active and passive data at once: HERE THE VIDEO

What kind of analyses can I do with HoliSurface®?
The software HoliSurface® allows to perform different types of analysis according to both active and passive seismic methodologies:

  • MFA (Multi Filter Analysis) and HoliSurface® analysis according to Full Velocity Spectrum approach (active seismic): multi-component active seismic by using a single 3C geophone
  • Joint analysis of dispersion and HVSR (Horizontal-to-Vertical-Spectral Ratio)
  • HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio) analysis
  • MAAM (Miniature Array Analysis of Microtremors): micro-array passive seismic
  • RPM (Rayleigh-wave Particle Motion) curve analysis
  • Building Vibrational Analyses coupled, uncoupled and GHM (Gaussian-filtered Horizontal Motion) method
  • Vibrations analysis according to UNI 9614 and DIN 4150
  • Site Response (Response Spectra) computation

    Click HERE
    for some introductory videos about some of the HS features


AREA51 device for MAAM acquisitions together with the four tested vertical geophones for the MAAM and the HOLI3C geophone for the HVSR (as well as for the HS)


Where are published the methods implemented in HoliSurface®?

HoliSurface® from the Alps to the Moon...
Thanks to its simple acquisition procedures and the several utilities to efficiently manage the data and properly present them (handling GPS data, trace selection and filtering, vertical stack and much more), HoliSurface® has been used for the analysis of seismic data of various geological contexts: from the characterization of some sites in the Swiss Alps made for NAGRA "Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle" (National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste - Switzerland) to the analysis of seismic data collected by NASA during the Apollo Missions on the Moon (Dal Moro, EAGE Near Surface 2013, see publications).
The above photos show the Mars Rover Curiosity (courtesy of Mattel), the vehicle used for the exploration of the Red Planet.The same way as the Rover efficiently explores very remote and extreme environments, the active and passive methodologies implemented in HoliSurface® require very light and easy-to-carry equipment and limited space, but can nevertheless provide very robust subsurface models.

conversione Nspt-Vs

  Nspt-Vs conversion

be smart, be Holi!


HoliSurface® 2024 manual [EN]

Manuale HoliSurface® 2024 [IT]


Misure vibrazionali: monitoraggio del cantiere. Estratti dalla relazione finale e analisi svolte con software HoliSurface® [IT]6.431Kb11/04/2022 21:10:03
A small HoliSurface® (HS) case study: joint analysis of the group-velocity spectra of the Z and R components jointly with the HVSR [EN]2.283Kb01/02/2022 15:38:50
Configurazioni e applicazioni del sistema integrato di acquisizione e analisi HoliSurface® [IT]621Kb15/05/2020 11:19:30
Caso studio Kaiserjagerstrasse (TN): determinazione del profilo Vs da analisi congiunta delle velocità di gruppo delle componenti R e T e della curva HVSR [IT]5.279Kb01/04/2020 15:05:26
Caso studio Bibione (VE): determinazione del profilo Vs dall'analisi congiunta delle velocità di gruppo delle componenti Z e R (HoliSurface®) e della curva HVSR [IT]2.858Kb01/04/2020 15:03:20
Caso studio Spoleto (PG): determinazione del profilo Vs dall'analisi congiunta delle velocità di gruppo delle componenti Z e T (HoliSurface®) e della curva HVSR [IT]4.999Kb01/04/2020 15:01:42
HOLI3C: three component geophone for HVSR, HoliSurface method, vibration analysis and much more (EN datasheet)1.927Kb03/03/2020 15:34:26
HOLI3C geophone: an example of HVSR analysis in HoliSurface®/winMASW® (EN)1,193Kb17/02/2020 16:15:29
Caso studio HoliSurface + HVSR: esempio di come strutturare un rapportino sismico (IT)3.587Kb27/01/2020 17:41:13
Tutorial analisi congiunta Z+R+HVSR - Z+R+HVSR joint analysis tutorial (IT - EN)2.880Kb19/12/2019 18:00:21
Linee guida acquisizioni sismica attiva metodo HoliSurface (IT) 2.508Kb24/07/2019 18:27:21
A synthetic overview on shear-wave velocity determination (EN)1.616Kb28/01/2019 17:47:17
HoliSurface - joint analysis of Z+R+HVSR and computation of the amplification curve (EN)1.566Kb12/09/2018 15:19:33
Problemi e soluzioni per la corretta definizione del profilo Vs (velocità delle onde di taglio) in studi di geotecnica e microzonazione sismica (IT)3.565Kb04/09/2018 19:14:00
HoliSurface: a very simple geotechnical application (EN)762Kb16/03/2018 17:12:50
Analisi vibrazionale su edificio - caso studio problematico (IT)2.456Kb20/02/2018 20:29:28
HVSR e segnali industriali/antropici - un caso studio (IT)1.244Kb19/12/2017 18:17:24
Caso studio MAAM + HVSR (IT)1.755Kb05/12/2017 20:12:33
Brochure introduttiva al sistema di acquisizione ed analisi HoliSurface (IT)3.495Kb31/10/2017 18:00:24
Power Point presentation of our September 2016 workshop: HoliSurface, MAAM, ESAC, FVS (Full Velocity Spectrum) analyses, etc. (EN)14.846Kb02/11/2016 17:15:11
Power Point presentation of the EAGE "Four Geophones for Seven Possible Objective Functions: Active and Passive Seismics in Tricky Areas" lecture (EN)7.953Kb30/09/2016 19:25:02
Caso studio HS riqualificazione edificio scolastico analisi congiunta ZVF+THF+HVSR (IT)1.888Kb19/07/2016 08:25:06
Esempio di Analisi Vibrazionale con HoliSurface#2 (IT)3.170Kb12/05/2016 18:31:18
Power point presentation about surface-wave analysis according to advanced joint procedures (EN)18.442Kb20/03/2016 13:37:09
Caso studio HS località Natissa (IT)1.438Kb29/12/2015 22:56:11
Scheda informativa winMASW e HoliSurface (IT)527Kb29/12/2015 22:54:29
Microtremor data converted as audio file by winMASW/HoliSurface (headphones recommended)1.651Kb29/12/2015 22:45:57