New book: Efficient Joint Analysis of Surface Waves and Introduction to Vibration Analysis: Beyond the Clichés
Efficient Joint Analysis of Surface Waves and Introduction to Vibration Analysis: Beyond the Clichés
G. Dal Moro, 2020, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-46303-8
266 pages, over 200 illustrations in colour
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More info:
- Presents innovative methodologies for the efficient acquisition and analysis of surface waves and the robust definition of the Vs profile
- Building vibration analysis for the definition of the characteristics of the eigenmodes
- Includes a series of multi-component datasets to download and analyze for your training
This book bridges the gap between theory and practice, showing how a detailed definition of the shear-wave velocity (VS) profile can be efficiently obtained using limited field equipment and following simple acquisition procedures. It demonstrates how surface waves (used to define the VS profile) and vibration data (used to describe the dynamic behaviour of a building) can be recorded using the same equipment, and also highlights common problems, ambiguities and pitfalls that can occur when adopting popular methodologies, which are often based on a series of simplistic assumptions.
Today, most national and international building codes take into account a series of parameters aimed at defining the local seismic hazard. Sites are characterised based on the local VS profile, and the dynamic behaviour of existing buildings is defined through the analysis of their eigenmodes.
The book includes a series of case studies to help readers gain a deeper understanding of seismic and vibration data and the meaning (pros and cons) of a series of techniques often referred to as MASW, ESAC, SPAC, ReMi, HVSR, MAAM and HoliSurface®. It also provides access to some of the datasets so that readers can gain a deeper and more concrete understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects.
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