2019 28 January

Our 4.5 Hz horizontal geophones and RPM data

Our 4.5 Hz horizontal geophones and RPM data



Joint Acquisition of the Z and R components for the joint analysis of the Z and R velocity spectra and the RPM (Rayleigh-wave Particle Motion) data



The picture shows the correct orientation of our horizontal (H) geophones for an active acquisition (the source is on the left) [see the sticker on it].

Please, notice that in order to properly define the correct orientation of the H geophone, the vertical and H geophones must be tested together.

Of course, if you are not interested in the computation/analysis of the RPM data, the orientation of the horizontal geophone is not important (if you orient your H geophones on the other side - 180° rotation - your radial component data can be used for the analysis of the dispersion).

For details see:

  • Improved Holistic Analysis of Rayleigh Waves for Single- and Multi-Offset Data: Joint Inversion of Rayleigh-Wave Particle Motion and Vertical- and Radial-Component Velocity Spectra
    Dal Moro G., Moustafa S.R., Al-Arifi N., 2017, Pure and Applied Geophysics, DOI 10.1007/s00024-017-1694-8
  • Effective Active and Passive Seismics for the Characterization of Urban and Remote Areas: Four Channels for Seven Objective Functions
    Dal Moro G., Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-018-2043-2

 RPM (Rayleigh-wave Particle Motion) data, Z and R velocity spectra, winMASW, HoliSurface, horizontal geophone orientation