2020 20 February

HOLI3C geophone: an example of HVSR analysis in winMASW® and HoliSurface®

HOLI3C geophone: an example of HVSR analysis in winMASW® and HoliSurface®

CLICK HERE for an example of HVSR analysis in winMASW®/HoliSurface® using our HOLI3C geophone:
in this case we have two distinct peaks [both satisfy the SESAME criteria for a reliable peak].
Please, also notice that no significant industrial component is present (see coherence functions) and always remember that the HVSR does not represent the amplification function...

HOLI3C represents your ideal partner for various applications:

  • HVSR

  • HoliSurface® patented methodology (multi-component active seismics using just a single 3-component receiver)

  • Vibration measurements on buildings: classical approach and GHM method

  • Vibration analysis according to UNI/DIN/ISO regulations

For a quote and/or more details: winmasw@winmasw.com

 HOLI3C geophone, winMASW, HoliSurface, HVSR, SESAME criteria, vibration analysis, UNI 9614, DIN 4150, sesmic risk