HoliSurface®: Efficient Hybrid (Active & Passive) Acquisition for the Joint Analysis of Surface Waves (HoliSurface®)

Hybrid acquisition – active and passive seismic data – with the HoliSurface® acquisition system

An estremely efficient way to record the active and passive data at once, in a single file you have:

  • the data for the computation of two HVSR curves (also, for instance, to verify possible lateral variations)
  • the active data for the patented HoliSurface® [HS] methodology: multi-component active seismic by using a single 3-component geophone
  • the data for the microtremor correlation

For more details, see also:

1) standard HoliSurface® acquisition: HERE
2) the main HoliSurface® paper (with both theory and examples) published on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: HERE
3) a simple illustrative paper (case study): pdf downloadable HERE

Below the video of the acquisition